Our Mission Is To Help You Transform Your Faith And Empower You To Believe in Achieving Positive Change In Every Area of Your Life. Within 6 Months, Operate In Your Purpose & Experience True Fulfillment!

Unlock A World Of Benefits Designed To Elevate Your Spirit, Career, And Personal Life!

  • Spiritual and Practical Growth: Experience a unique blend of spiritual enlightenment and actionable life lessons. It's not just about faith; it's about living your faith in a way that impacts every area of your life.

  • Live a Life of Impact: It's not just about personal gain. It's about making a difference in the world around you. Learn how to leave a lasting legacy of positivity and change.

  • Career Advancement: Leverage your spiritual growth to propel your professional life. Gain the skills, confidence, and clarity needed to excel in your career and create impactful contributions.

  • Enhance Your Relationships: Cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections with those around you. Our teachings help you build stronger bonds, rooted in understanding, compassion, and shared growth.

Unlock Your God-given Potential: Realize Prosperity In Record Time Through Fellowship!

  • A Thriving Community of Believers: Join a vibrant, supportive network of individuals who share your aspirations and values. Our community is your backbone, offering encouragement, wisdom, and fellowship.

  • Exclusive Training Materials: Gain access to a wealth of resources designed to empower your faith and financial acumen. These aren't generic teachings; they're tools forged in the fire of faith-based prosperity.

  • Personalized Mentorship: Benefit from one-on-one guidance tailored to your unique spiritual and financial journey. Our mentors walk the talk, offering wisdom learned from real-life experiences and successes.

  • Embrace a Movement: This is more than just personal growth; it's about joining a revolution in faith-based living. Become a part of a wave of change that celebrates both spiritual and material abundance.

We Don't Just Talk About Ministry - We Do Ministry!

Thank you immensely to our generous donors, whose support fuels our mission to guide and uplift those seeking direction and peace. Your contributions empower us to offer the essential peace, guidance, and support needed to navigate life's challenges. If you're moved by the transformation we facilitate and wish to be a part of this journey, please consider donating. Your generosity enables us to continue making a profound difference. Click to donate and join our movement today.

Meet the Dynamic Team Leading the Mission!

Jay Jackson

Bianca Jackson

Marci Fluellyn

Trae Valliant

Megan Huber

Rosenette Kirby

Moses Alford

Anastassia Hunter

Rise As A Leader! Get Your Iron Sharpened with Like-Minded Leaders in Our Community!

  • Navigate Leadership Challenges with Grace: Learn how to tackle the complex challenges of leadership with wisdom and grace, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth and impact.

  • Transformative Leadership Skills: Acquire a unique set of skills that blend spiritual guidance with practical leadership strategies, enabling you to lead more effectively and with integrity.

  • A Community of Like-Minded Leaders: Join an exclusive network of leaders who share your passion for making a difference, offering support, wisdom, and encouragement as you navigate the leadership journey together.

  • Personal and Professional Growth: Experience growth in all areas of your life, from personal development to professional achievements, all underpinned by your faith and leadership aspirations.

Mailing Address

2245 Godby Road #205A

Atlanta, GA 30349


(470) 522-7419


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